Be the true leader of this era who practices love.
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Boast 02
With a total of 1,240 students, highest number of students among graduate schools of cyber universities in Korea
※ Based on the number of students enrolled in the 2023 University Information Disclosure
Graduate School
of Hanyang Cyber
A University
B University
C University
Boast 03
HYCU Graduate School has the largest number of graduates, 3,244
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Experts in various fields and holders of Master's and Ph.D. degrees return to acquire professional knowledge related to work and lifelong learning.
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Students from all over the world actively participate in classes through an online learning system that allows students to take classes freely without time nor space constraints.
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After graduation, some students go on to the Ph.D. program to continue their studies.
25 %
10 %
Areas in
Korea except
for Seoul
15 %
in Korea
50 %
Boast 07
Current students/students on leave/alumni and their immediate family members can receive a discount when using the Hanyang University Medical Center.
※ When using the hospital, a medical treatment discount request must be submitted (application /issuance on HYCU website).
Based on the Library Use Agreement with Hanyang University, enrolled students can use Hanyang University's Paiknam Academic Information Center (Seoul Campus), ERICA Academic Information Center (ERICA Campus), and electronic library.
20 %
Discount rate for a general check-up(immediate family 10%)
10 %
Medical expenses (Required to submit a medical treatment discount request on the day of outpatient and hospitalization)
1,000 +
Number of theses and research articles
5,000 +
Service for searching a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books