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Specialized Graduate School

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Counseling and Clinical Psychology

Experienced exerts with a firm theoretical background helping to create a healthy society

The department endeavors to produce experts who have both the theoretical background and experience to actively contribute to interdisciplinary, future-oriented, and sustainable education, following Hanyang Founding Philosophy of “Love in Truth and Deed.”

Counseling and Clinical Psychology
Counseling and Clinical Psychology

Educational Objective

The Counseling and Clinical Psychology major seeks to promote Interdisciplinary, future-oriented, and sustainable education following the Hanyang Founding Philosophy of “Love in Truth and Deed.” The department was created at the Graduate School of Human Services at Hanyang Cyber University to cultivate counseling and clinical psychology experts who combine theories and practice to provide the best counseling psychology and clinical psychology services.

Concept of Talent

  • Training child and adolescent counseling experts to help maladjusted children or troubled adolescents adapt (e.g. nationally certified youth counselors)
  • Training family counseling experts who help improve family relations by resolving conflicts within the family (e.g. family therapy experts of the Korean Family Therapy Association)
  • Training clinical psychologists who help diagnose and evaluate psychological problems through various psychological tests (e.g. nationally certified mental health clinical psychologists / clinical psychologist of the Korean Psychological Association)
  • Training health psychology experts to manage and promote mental and physical health of the marginalized in society (e.g. health psychology experts of the Korean Psychological Association)
  • Training experts in the field of special therapy through the interdisciplinary major of the Department of Child and Family Studies (e.g. play therapy experts, music therapy experts, art therapy experts)

Major Features

By focusing on the three key concepts of Interdisciplinary, Futuristic, and Sustainable, the Hanyang Cyber University Graduate School Counseling and Clinical Psychology Department was designed to be a specific, specialization program that aims to achieve the goal of cultivating counseling and clinical psychology experts. These future professionals are educated with balanced professional knowledge of counseling psychology and clinical psychology theory and engage in counseling practice. Within the department are three majors: Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Health Psychology, and the HYCU Psychology Counseling Training Center was established to support the practical training aspects of these majors.
HYCU Psychological Counseling Center

The HYCU Psychological Counseling Center aims to cultivate high level counseling personnel by providing counselor education and an actual practice environment. Psychological counseling experts or clinical psychology experts consists of one or more part-time counselor, full-time counselors, and professional supervisors assists graduate students in counseling internships.

Undergraduate Course

Faculty members with a solid theoretical foundation and hands-on experience work to foster effective counselors. The curriculum consists of courses essential for the counseling practice and are available to help students acquire various qualifications related to mental health and self-growth, including those for counseling psychologist, youth counselor, play therapist, clinical psychologist, reading therapist, occupational counselor, and developmental psychologist, to name a few

Support Benefits and Educational Features

The Hanyang Cyber University Graduate School of Counseling and Clinical Psychology offers a variety of benefits to fulfill the academic and professional needs and convenience of its graduate students. With an average of 25 students per lecture, the department is committed to improving the learning environment and satisfaction of students by raising the quality of classes by offering more interaction between students and professors. In addition, by inviting experts who are active in their field, the program provides special lectures to keep students abreast of the latest trends and to provide opportunities to share ideas and opinions.
Furthermore, students can benefit from the shared infrastructure between Hanyang Cyber and Hanyang University, and support is available for students who wish to acquire national certifications and private association certifications, both online and offline through extra courses.
Finally, even after graduation, students can gain support through educational programs designed to helps students obtain experience in various fields such as psychological evaluation, psychotherapy, research, consultation, lectures, and experiments. Those who are interested can continue their academic journey by entering a doctoral program.
Concept of Talent of the Major
  • Helping maladjusted children or problem adolescents adjust
  • Promotion of family relations by resolving family conflicts
  • Diagnosis of psychological problems through various psychological tests
  • Management and promotion of mental and physical health of marginalized people
  • Use of psychological treatment techniques appropriate to the client
  • Understanding the overall development process along the life cycle
  • Solving the problems of psychological solitude in the modern world
  • Experts responsible for promoting an emotionally and mentally healthy society

Major-related Outlook

There are many different types of activities students can partake in through the program ranging from psychological evaluation, psychotherapy, research, consultation, lectures, and laboratory experiments. Graduates can expect to work in a variety of settings such as universities, hospitals, counseling centers, schools, businesses, the military, or as individual practitioners or group practitioners in the public and private sectors. There is alsothe option to pursue more advanced education in a doctoral program to acquire more professional knowledge to continue academic exploration in the following areas:

  • Counseling Psychology: Employed in a child, adolescent and adult counseling agency, welfare-related institutions
  • Clinical Psychology: Employed in a general hospital, psychiatry or mental health center
  • Health Psychology: Employed in health promotion center, public health center, addiction treatment center, health related organizations
  • Other fields: Acquiring a license in related fields such as art therapy, reading therapy, play therapy, and developmental psychology

Major-related certificates

Other Society Certified Certificates

※ Please refer to the website of each academic association for detailed information about eligibility and courses..

Hanyang Cyber ​​University Pine Tree Image


  • Online Education Program
    for Creative Talent

    Premium Educational Contents
    Competitive educational content in a university ranked first for the total number of cyber graduate students
    Interactive video lectures and conferences between professors and students
    Subdivided Major Courses
    Couses categorized as basic course, basic intensive, advanced major, etc. for student convenience according to semester of study
    Curriculum that combines various disciplines
    Training Planners and Industrial Managers
    Teaching students to understanding and analyze trends of the advertising, media, and content industries
    Helping students gain a balanced perspective and knowledge of theory and application
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Student Needs
    Average of 25 students per course
    1:1 class system for student and professor interaction
    High-quality Academic Information Service
    Service for searching among a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books
    Kyobo, YES24 e-books and other domestic e-books available
  • Professional Network through
    OFFLINE Support System

    Maximum Scholarship Benefits
    Support for student welfare through the development and implementation of the scholarship system
    Support for admission fees and tuition through the admission scholarship system
    Peer and Alumni Networking
    Opportunities to interact with faculty and related professional staff
    Providing a place for information sharing through exchanges with 1,675 graduates
    Graduate School Advisor System
    Support and guidance for thesis writing
    Special lectures and discussions through offline seminars
    Support for Student Welfare Services
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Students benefit from using educational infrastructure through an agreement with Hanyang University
    Support for Employment/Startups and Doctoral Program
    Providing startup education and training programs through the promotion of startup support groups
    Support for advancement to a doctoral program through special lectures by experts in the field