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Graduate School

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

We cultivate professional people of talent who will properly lead in the field of children and families.

The department seeks to produce experts in the field of early childhood education and to assist children and families through related fields in the pursuit of effective methodologies and practical short/long-term solutions.

Child & Family Studies
Child & Family Studies
Child & Family Studies
Child & Family Studies
Child & Family Studies
휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 전공 이미지

Educational Objective

The Children and Families major at Hanyang Cyber University has been operating a master's program after it established a special graduate school for the first time among Korean cyber colleges in 2009. Furthermore, a master’s course and doctoral course were opened for the Children and Families major in the general graduate school as the only ones of their kind among cyber universities. This major adopts Hanyang Cyber University's founding philosophy of the 'practice of love' as its fundamental ideology of education and pursues future-oriented and sustainable educational values based on this. Through this, it aims to cultivate talented people who will lead in the field of young child education and children and families, and to produce experts of children and families who practice love in the community.

Major Features

Outstanding Facultyy

The department boasts of a number of highly qualified faculty members with doctoral degrees from universities at home and abroad who provide high-quality lectures and are eager to help students learn and study according to their specific major field.

Specialized Curriculum
  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 01

    Securing courses that teach the latest theories and enhance practical skills for the field

    The curriculum for majors of children and families is designed to teach theory and practice in a balanced and in-depth manner in the counseling and education of the field of children and families. In this program, top-level faculty from both domestic and international backgrounds closely monitor students through a real-time video guidance system.

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 02

    Courses for self-directed learning and cooperative learning

    The program was designed for students to engage in student-centered, self-directed learning and cooperative learning tailored to students’ needs. Therefore, the department employs a specialized system that includes open, real-time video seminars as well as discussion rooms to focus on specific topics. Students can share their opinions and experiences in a setting that is conducive to active voluntary learning.

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 03

    Specialized 1:1 guidance

    The department offers a service to help students improve the writing particularly for their required thesis through 1:1 thesis writing guidance. Stdent get received assistance through input and advice to fully develop their research writing potential.

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 04

    A curriculum for non-majors

    The courses offered in the department are designed for majors and non-major alike. Thus, students not majoring in Child & Family Studies but are interested in some of the courses can still enroll and learn about theories related to child studies by completing prerequisite courses.

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 05

    The provision of a curriculum for obtaining various forms of certification

    We provide a curriculum so students may obtain certification as child counselors, youth counselors, marital family counselors, and in developmental rehabilitation services (play psychological rehabilitation).

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 06

    Tutor System

    A professional tutor is kindly providing guidance on various academic issues, such as learning content, assignments and exams, study progress, and theses.

  • 휴먼서비스대학원 아동가족 특성화 교육과정 이미지
    Specificity 07

    Operation of a Children and Family Counseling Lab

    The 『Children and Family Counseling Lab』 of Hanyang Cyber University's Children and Families major operates a training space to strengthen practical skills in children's counseling, play therapy, and parental counseling.

Support Benefits and Educational Features

The Child & Family Studies major provides a systematically designed curriculum developed to cultivate experts in the field of child and family studies. Lectures include the latest theories and on-the-job skills enhancement and there are courses for self-directed and collaborative learning. Other features include quality education with a 1:1 thesis guidance service in which students can improve their writing skills. In addition, students not majoring in Child & Family Studies can enroll in courses to learn about theories related to child studies through the completion of prerequisite courses.
Concept of Talent of the Major
  • Social talent who can be leaders in their communities
  • Practical talent who use can directly apply the knowledge gained from their major
  • Humanitarian talent with the spirit of volunteering
  • Academic talent who posses high level research skills
  • Convergence talent who have knowledge gained from other disciplines
  • Active talent who can actively collaborate in their field
  • Ethical talent who follow and promote accepted codes of conduct
  • Responsible talent who seek to serve society

Related Certificates

  • Youth Counselor Certificate (National Certificate)

    The Youth Counselor Certificate is a license for counseling professionals that can be acquired by majoring in a counseling-related department and obtaining a degree, passing the qualification test administered by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, and completing the training administered by the Korea Youth Counseling Institute.

    Korea Youth Counseling Institute - http://www.youthcounselor.or.kr

    See more
    [Youth Counselor Acquisition Process]
    Our 'Child and Family Studies' is a counseling-related field designated by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (consisting of an academic discipline that includes four or more counseling-related courses as its major focus).
    자격요건 - 여성가족부령이 정하는 '상담관련분야'로 구성
    A counseling-related field designated by the Ministry of Gender Equality and FamilyRequired documents
    ①Theory and practice of counseling ② Interview principl ③ Developmental theory ④ Group counseling ⑤ Psychological measurement and evaluation ⑥ Abnormal psychology ⑦ Personality psychology ⑧ Social welfare practice ⑨ Counseling education ⑩ Career counseling ⑪ Family counseling ⑫ Academic counseling ⑬ Delinquency counseling ⑭ Sex counseling ⑮ Youth counseling Graduate school majors that have adopted four or more subjects with the same or similar content as the subjects above are eligible to take the Level 2 Youth Counselor exam. (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)Academic Transcript (with Major Specified) or the Curriculum of the Current Major Department Stamped by the Dean of Academic Affairs (or Department Chair)
    Courses - Courses opened for the Department of Children and Families of this school
    CoursesCourses opened for the Department of Children and Families of this school
    Theory and practice of counselingChild Counseling
    Developmental theoryPlay Therapy , Child Development
    Psychological measurement and assessmentResearch Method, Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Assessment
    Family CounselingFamily Counseling, Parent Education and Counseling
    ※ Level 2 Qualifications: Individuals who have obtained a master's degree in Child (Welfare) Studies, Counseling Studies, or other counseling-related fields prescribed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Ordinance at a graduate school.
    시험과목 - 청소년 상담사 시험 2급(6과목)으로 구성
    Exam Subjects
    Youth Counselor Level 2(6 subjects)Mandatory(4 subjects)Theory And Practice of Adolescent Counseling
    Basics of counseling research methodology
    Use of psychological measurement assessment
    Abnormal psychology
    Electives(2 subjects)Career counseling, Group counseling, Family Counseling, Academic counseling (Choose 2 subjects from these subjects)
    ※ Apply for Q-Net Qualification Exam → Written Exam → Interview → Document Review → Pass → Qualification Training → Qualification Review → Obtain Certificate
    시험 - 필기 및 면접시험으로 구성
    Written ExamEach subject is scored out of 100 points. To pass, candidates must achieve a minimum of 40 points in each subject and an average score of at least 60 points across all subjects.
    ※ For more details, please visit the Korea Youth Counseling & Welfare Institute website (http://www.q-net.or.kr/man001.do?gSite=L&gId=67)

    Interview ExamCandidates must score a total of at least 15 points (out of 25) based on the evaluation scores given by three interviewers.
    ※ However, if a majority of the interviewers assign a score of 1 point in any evaluation criterion, the candidate will fail regardless of the total score.
    [Career Paths after Acquiring Youth Counselor Qualification]
    Youth Counseling at the National Policy Level
    Korea Youth Counseling Institute
    • Youth Counseling Support Centers in provinces and cities
    • Youth Support Centers in counties, cities, and towns
    • National Police Agency, Ministry of Justice
    • Social Welfare Institutions
    • Youth Training Center
    • Youth Cultural Center
    • Youth Shelter
    • Youth-related Welfare Facilities
    Education-level Youth Counseling
    School Youth Counselor
    • Elementary, Middle School or High School Counselor
    • University Student Counseling Center
    Private-level youth counseling Personal Counseling Research Center
    • Social welfare institutions
    • Facilities for Children and Youth
    • Others

    ※ For more information on obtaining qualifications, check the relevant website.

  • Child Counselor Level 2 Certificate (Private Certificate)

    The Child Counselor Level 2 Certificate is for those who have received a master's degree in children's studies and child-related studies, complete the 7 required subjects, pass the qualification test conducted by the Korean Children's Association, and complete the prescribed training course.

    Korean Children's Association - http://www.childkorea.or.kr

    See more

    [Completion of required courses for eligibility to take the child counselor test (7 subjects)]

    ※ Qualification Criteria for a Level 2 Application: Those who have acquired (or will soon acquire) a Master’s Degree in fields related to child studies from a graduate school and who have completed mandatory courses established by this academy.
    The completion of
    Level 1, 2, 3
    common courses
    (5 subjects)
    Child Development* Subjects opened at this school: Infant and Toddler Development (Child and family major)
    Child Counseling* Subjects opened in this school: Child Counseling (Child and family major)
    Parent Education* Subjects opened in this school: Parent Education (Child and family major)
    Child Mental Health* Subjects opened in this school: Developmental Psychopathology (Counseling and clinical psychology major)
    Psychological Evaluation* Subjects opened in this school: Development Diagnosis and Psychological Evaluation (Child and family major)
    The completion of
    Level 1, 2, 3
    common courses
    (2 subjects)
    Child Counseling Techniques I*Subjects opened in this school: Play Therapy(Child and family major), Group Psychotherapy (Counseling and clinical psychology major)
    Child Counseling Techniques II
    All7 subjects
    • Those who complete 7 subjects in total are qualified to take the written examination for Child Counselor 2nd Grade Certificate.(Uncompleted subjects can be substituted with academic training.)

    ※ As to other similar subjects that are accepted, visit the website (childkorea.or.kr).

    ※ For more information about certificate acquisition, contact the organization. (c_sangdam@naver.com)

  • Developmental rehabilitation services (play psychological rehabilitation)

    Developmental rehabilitation services refer to supporting services for the improvement of functions and behavioral development of children with growing disabilities such as with cognition, communication, adaptation behavior, and sensory movement, and it is a project that provides qualification certification for human resources that provide developmental rehabilitation services. Currently, some courses in the developmental rehabilitation service (play psychological rehabilitation) course are opened in the children and families department.

    Developmental rehabilitation services (play psychological rehabilitation) - https://www.broso.or.kr

    See more
    The Children and Family Department at Hanyang Cyber University has opened some courses necessary to obtain certification in the "play psychology rehabilitation” domain in the field of developmental rehabilitation services, and will continue to open new courses.
    1) Subjects that must be completed for graduate school (master’s course)
    • Common requirement (1 Subject) - Understanding Children with Disabilities
    • Department requirements (5 subjects) - Play Therapy, Developmental Psychopathology, Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Evaluation, Play Therapy Observation and Practice, Play Therapy Practice and Supervision
    • Department Elective (1 subject)
    2) Development Rehabilitation Service (Play Psychology Rehabilitation domain) subjects (7 subjects in total)
    • After completing relevant courses, you must submit an application to the Central Support Center for Disabled Children and the Developmentally Disabled and receive a certificate of qualification.
    발달재활서비스 (놀이심리재활영역) 과목 (총 7과목)
    CoursesCourses opened in our school
    Common Requirement (1 subject)
    • Understanding Children with Disabilities (Children and Family Department)
    Department requirements
    (5 subjects)
    • Play therapy (Children and Family department)
    • Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Assessment (Children and Family department)
    • Play Therapy Observation and Practice (Children and Family department)
    • Play Therapy Practicum and Supervision (Children and Family department)
    • Developmental Psychopathology (*Counseling and Clinical Psychology department)
    Department Elective
    (1 subject)
    * Courses opened in our school (select one of the following courses)
    • Child Counseling (Children and Family department)
    • Parent Education and Counseling (Children and Family department)
    • Research Method (Children and Family department)
    3) Practical courses 'Play Therapy Observation and Practice' and 'Play Therapy Practice and Supervision'
    • The practical courses of 'Play Therapy Observation and Practice’ and ‘'Play Therapy Practice and Supervision' must meet conditions specified in the relevant outline program of instruction, and must be completed through face-to-face education.
    • Clinical and observational practice should be conducted for a total of 140 hours or more. [The total of 140 hours must include at least 40 hours of 1:1 individual clinical practice with children with disabilities (including 2 cases with at least 10 sessions) and at least 40 hours of observational practice, and a confirmation document must be submitted.]

    (*Please refer to the website of the qualification management project for developmental rehabilitation services for more details.)

  • Married Couple Family Counseling Expert / Former: Family Therapist (Private Certificate)

    The Married Couple Family Counseling Expert certification is for those who received a master's degree or higher in counseling related fields, pass the prescribed qualification test and the qualification examination after completing the required courses and training courses prescribed by the Korean Family Therapy Association.

    Korean Family Therapy Association - http://www.familytherapy.or.kr

    See more
    A Married Couple Family Counseling Expert is a therapist who seeks to promote the emotional health and growth of individuals, families, and society through in-depth analyses and research on family relationships while engaging in activities involving to various social and legal areas. These experts understand their, ethical responsibilities and seek to contribute to the fields of psychopathology and mental health as they relate to children and families.
    • Assisting and guiding individuals and family members in strengthening self-realization and adaptation
    • Diagnosing, evaluating, and providing family counseling for families suffering from psychological maladjustment and/or disabilities
    • Providing training and guidance for Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 2 program
    • Providing approval and recommending qualifications for the training content of the Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 2 program
    • Conducting research on couple family counseling
    • Operating a couple family counseling room

    [Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 1 Related Subjects and Number of Subjects Completed (7 subjects)]

    ※ Qualification Criteria for Level 1 Application: Those who are full academy members and who have at least a Master’s Degree in a major related to Marital and Family Counseling (Family Studies, Child Studies, etc.). However, those applying for Level 1 with a Level 2 license must apply at least 2 full years after acquiring a Level 2 license.
    4 Basic Domains
    (5 subjects)
    Family TherapyFamily Counseling(Department of Children and Families), *Family Therapy(Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology)Must acquire a total of 15 credits from 5 subjects including at least 3 credits from subjects of each of the 4 basic domains along with one additional subject from any of the 4 basic domains
    Family StudiesFamily Relations and Family Problem Studies(Department of Children and Families)
    Human DevelopmentChild Development(Department of Children and Families)
    Counseling PsychologyChild Counseling(Department of Children and Families), Parent Education and Counseling(Department of Children and Families), *Adolescent Counseling(Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology)
    2 domains
    (2 subjects)
    Research MethodResearch Methodology(Department of Children and Families)
    Counseling Ethics
    (A completion of at least 3 credits or completion through participation in a counseling ethics workshop held by the academy)
    Counseling Ethics and Family Counseling Case Studies(Department of Children and Families)
    All7 subjects
    • : Courses opened for the Department of Children and Families of this school
    • *: Courses opened for the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology of this school
    • However, whether the subjects of ‘Counseling Ethics and Family Counseling Case Studies‘, ‘Family Relations and Family Problem Studies‘, ‘Child Counseling‘, and ‘Adolescent Counseling‘ are recognized as similar subjects can be determined through review committee screenings conducted during the qualification review period.

    Subject Recognition

    • Participation in Workshops and Seminars
      • Students must participate in 60 hours at a workshop hosted by the Society or a week shop conducted by the Korean Family Therapy Association's? supervisor certificate holder, which has been approved by the Qualification Management Committee in advance, is recognized as 1 subject
        When replacing a subject with a workshop, only the workshop corresponding to the content of the subject to be replaced can be accepted. (Submit certificate or a copy of the Certificate of Completion, up to 3 subjects are accepted)
      • All subjects are based on 3 credits, but the Counseling Ethics subject can be replaced by completing 2 or more credits or 2 days (14 hours) of workshops held at the Korean Family Therapy Association.

    Check Eligibility for Test

    • Those who have completed a master's degree or higher (based on the date of submission of the application form)
    • Those who majored in Psychiatry, Social Welfare, Nursing, Psychology, Children's Studies, Pedagogy, Family Studies and counseling related studies
    • Required subjects: Those who have completed the subject of Counseling Ethics among the what courses and completed the remaining 5 subjects in undergraduate and graduate courses

    1st - Qualification Test

    2nd-Training Course

    • Students must conduct 50 cases of couple family counseling of 250 hours or more. (accumulated from Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 2 case time)
    • Students must be supervised by Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 1 and a Supervisor Certificate holder for at least 60 hours.
    • Students must attend at least 12 case meetings and make at least one presentation at a case conference hosted by this Korean Family Therapy Association (up to two presentations are accepted). Each case presentation is recognized as 3 hours of tutoring. (Attendance at a case meeting is cumulatively calculated from the amount of attendance at level 2, while attendance and presentations are not counted twice.)

    Qualification Exam Subjects

    • Married Couple Family Counseling Expert Level 1 : Family Relations Family Therapy, Counseling, Human Development, Research Methods, Family Therapy Practice

    3rd Stop: Request for Qualification Examination

    Those who have completed the training course must submit the following documents along with the screening fee to request taking the qualification examination. Candidates must pass the document screening and oral exam.

    • 1 copy of application form for qualification examination (in the form prescribed by this Korean Family Therapy Association)
    • 1 copy of the certificate of qualification examination (1st?)
    • Documents proving more than 250 hours of counseling experience
    • Supervisor's certificate of supervision content recognizing supervising over 60 hours and recommendation
    • Detailed records of personal supervision completion (form prescribed by this Korean Family Therapy Association)
    • Documents certifying more than 12 attendances and more than one case presentation at a case study meeting hosted by this Korean Family Therapy Association

    ※ For more information on obtaining a private certificate, contact the relevant association.

Major-related Outlook

  • Education Field
    • The head and teachers of the educational institution on children
    • Admission to a Ph.D. program
  • Research Institutes
    • Development and psychology institutes
    • Institute for family studies
    • Education and Nurseries related research institute
  • Counseling Centers
    • Child Counseling Center
    • Family Counseling Center
    • Marital and Family Counseling Center
  • Social Enterprises
    • International organizations related to children
    • Joint parenting, Kiwoom Center, etc.
  • Children-related Companies
    • Child-related industries, Textbook development
    • Publishing house for teaching materials, Development of play materials
    • Development of computer software for children
Hanyang Cyber ​​University Pine Tree Image


  • Online Education Program
    for Creative Talent

    Premium Educational Contents
    Competitive educational content in a university ranked first for the total number of cyber graduate students
    Interactive video lectures and conferences between professors and students
    Subdivided Major Courses
    Couses categorized as basic course, basic intensive, advanced major, etc. for student convenience according to semester of study
    Curriculum that combines various disciplines
    Training Planners and Industrial Managers
    Teaching students to understanding and analyze trends of the advertising, media, and content industries
    Helping students gain a balanced perspective and knowledge of theory and application
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Student Needs
    Average of 25 students per course
    1:1 class system for student and professor interaction
    High-quality Academic Information Service
    Service for searching among a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books
    Kyobo, YES24 e-books and other domestic e-books available
  • Professional Network through
    OFFLINE Support System

    Maximum Scholarship Benefits
    Support for student welfare through the development and implementation of the scholarship system
    Support for admission fees and tuition through the admission scholarship system
    Peer and Alumni Networking
    Opportunities to interact with faculty and related professional staff
    Providing a place for information sharing through exchanges with 1,675 graduates
    Graduate School Advisor System
    Support and guidance for thesis writing
    Special lectures and discussions through offline seminars
    Support for Student Welfare Services
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Students benefit from using educational infrastructure through an agreement with Hanyang University
    Support for Employment/Startups and Doctoral Program
    Providing startup education and training programs through the promotion of startup support groups
    Support for advancement to a doctoral program through special lectures by experts in the field