The educational engineering major of Graduate School of Hanyang Cyber University explores the theoretical and technical elements of a blended education environment that combines online and offline environments for educational activities based on case studies.
This allows us to explore learning to be carried out in the field of school and corporate education, and develop effective learning systems by studying various types of learning to determine learning strategies appropriate to learners' needs and learning content.
Reviewing a variety of assessments and types, it makes students improve their ability to solve theoretical and practical problems in various educational and training programs.
The educational engineering major aims to cultivate practical talents who lead educational innovation in educational institutions such as corporations, research institutes, and lifelong education institutes through a systematic approach to actual learning sites. We study and analyze models focusing on a systematic approach through consideration of major teaching theories, and explore alternative teaching design models by exploring problems and solutions of traditional teaching design.
In addition, in order to grow students into global talents, we are to understand international trends and establish overseas networking to lead research and practice.
Concept of talent for major
- Practical education experts leading future education
- Volunteer talents who practice for an educational sense of mission
- Excellent convergence talents with multidisciplinary thinking skills
- Participatory talents who collaborate with the field
- Future-oriented global talents who study and practice
- Right talents who cultivate sound personality
- Self-directed talents who develop research ability
- Inquiry-type talents who understand international trends