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Specialized Graduate School

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Producing talented experts to lead the fields of advertising, media, and content in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The department aims to train global experts with practical and research capabilities who can effectively manage changing media content and communication in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution..

Media MBA
Media MBA
Media MBA
Media MBA

Purpose of Establishment

The advertising and media industry is emerging as a key driver of national competitiveness in the 21st century. Thus, the department aims to cultivate leaders in the advertising and media industries who can understand the core values of the industries, analyze their various aspects comprehensively, and be leader in their fields. The major was established to cultivate advertising media and content planners, creators, and managers who can accurately identify and analyze the flow of the advertising and media industry, and actively contribute accordingly.

Hanyang Cyber University's Graduate School of Advertising Media MBA and Hanyang University's
Department of Journalism and Broadcasting jointly operate a course designed to boost educational and application
competencies of students to prepare them for future careers in advertising media or advanced students (Ph.D.) in the Journalism and Broadcasting Department.

Educational Objectives and Major Features

The educational objective of the Advertising and Media major is to develop the professional ability of learners to analyze and predict global trends in the advertising, media, and content industries. To this end, students of this major theoretically study the latest trends in related industries and gain a balanced sense and knowledge of the theory and the field through various methods. There are also special lectures provided by managers in the advertising, media, and content-related industries, and field visits. Another educational objective is for students to build a network of professionals in related industries.
This major aims at providing comprehensive studies involving theory and practice to help students understand the advertising and media industry. Thus, one of the distinctive features of the major is its curriculum in which various disciplines such as advertising and public relations, marketing, and communication based on new media are converged and integrated.

Support Benefits and Educational Features

Hanyang Cyber University’s Graduate School of Business Advertising Media MBA and Hanyang University's Department of Journalism and Broadcasting established a graduate school linkage program, allowing students to obtain a Master's degree from the MBA in Advertising Media and a Ph.D. from the Department of Journalism and Broadcasting. Currently operated are a variety of joint graduate program courses designed to help students learn a combination of educational capabilities.
As the media industry develops, identifying various issues related to new digital media services and industry strategies is a very useful skill for students wishing to complete the MBA course. The Advertising Media MBA involves academic research on media communication and content as well as lecture content for learning how to compose research papers. Other courses focus on examining past, present, and the future advertising media trends to give students a better understanding of advanced theories and their implications.
Concept of Talent for the Major
  • Practical experts leading future education
  • Convergence talent with multidisciplinary thinking skills
  • Future-oriented talent with forward thinking insight
  • Resourceful talent with advanced research capabilities
  • Humanitarian talent who practice the spirit of volunteering
  • Active talent who eagerly collaborate in their field
  • Ethical talent who follow an accepted code of conduct
  • Global talent who understands international trends

Major-related Careers

After graduation, students can choose a career in two main directions. The first path consists of professional practitioners and managers. Graduates can seek careers as practical intellectuals who create new value in society based on the knowledge they gain in the program. Following the second path, graduates can go on to a doctoral program. The department aims to consistently enroll 10% of its graduates into advanced degree programs. In 2020, about 10% of graduates received their Ph.D. degree or are currently enrolled in a doctoral program at leading domestic or overseas university such as Hanyang University, Hongik University, and University of Canberra, respectively, while many alumni are teaching at universities.
Entry Fields
  • Professionals such as media and content company reporters, producers, announcers, etc.
  • Media and communications marketing consultants and executives
  • Media and communication marketing planners
  • Media and entertainment content consultants and executives
  • Media and entertainment content planners
  • Media communication and content producers
  • Media communication content experts in fields including corporate advertising, promotion, and marketing
  • Media communication experts of nonprofit organizations such as political parties and consumer organizations
  • Founders a media communication content companies for advertisement, promotion, and creative boutiques
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  • Online Education Program
    for Creative Talent

    Premium Educational Contents
    Competitive educational content in a university ranked first for the total number of cyber graduate students
    Interactive video lectures and conferences between professors and students
    Subdivided Major Courses
    Couses categorized as basic course, basic intensive, advanced major, etc. for student convenience according to semester of study
    Curriculum that combines various disciplines
    Training Planners and Industrial Managers
    Teaching students to understanding and analyze trends of the advertising, media, and content industries
    Helping students gain a balanced perspective and knowledge of theory and application
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Student Needs
    Average of 25 students per course
    1:1 class system for student and professor interaction
    High-quality Academic Information Service
    Service for searching among a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books
    Kyobo, YES24 e-books and other domestic e-books available
  • Professional Network through
    OFFLINE Support System

    Maximum Scholarship Benefits
    Support for student welfare through the development and implementation of the scholarship system
    Support for admission fees and tuition through the admission scholarship system
    Peer and Alumni Networking
    Opportunities to interact with faculty and related professional staff
    Providing a place for information sharing through exchanges with 1,675 graduates
    Graduate School Advisor System
    Support and guidance for thesis writing
    Special lectures and discussions through offline seminars
    Support for Student Welfare Services
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Students benefit from using educational infrastructure through an agreement with Hanyang University
    Support for Employment/Startups and Doctoral Program
    Providing startup education and training programs through the promotion of startup support groups
    Support for advancement to a doctoral program through special lectures by experts in the field