Be the true leader of this era who practices love.
We aim to train creative talents in the design field through Cloud Nine (5C and 4I).
We train design planning leaders with integrated thinking through intensive education that considers specificity and education that attempts to converge with various disciplines.
Training multidisciplinary talents through
convergence with various fields
Innovative designer talent training
Pursuit of innovation in curriculum
As Korea's first online design graduate school, we provide innovative design curriculum with theory-centered design thinking, away from practical lessons.
This is the first innovation in that it is the first online graduate major in the field of design, and the second innovation is that it allows ubiquitous learning through e-learning classes.
And in terms of the teaching methodology, the third innovation of the curriculum is that it is possible to learn by various teaching methods such as video seminars and critic lectures in the teaching methodology.
Training innovation designers
We cultivate innovative designers through curriculum and teaching content that can support the logic of design by providing design theories and systems necessary for designers in practice so that they can become one step ahead based on modern trends.
Interdisciplinary designer talent training
Pursuit of convergence in curriculum
Multidisciplinary academic knowledge according to the purpose and purpose of design, such as design and marketing, design and management, design and culture, design and history, and design and society, is an indispensable element, and we train multidisciplinary and convergent talents through an integrated curriculum.
For multidisciplinary practice, we operate the system flexibly by expanding opportunities to conduct joint projects and expanding opportunities for crossover and completion in other majors and current majors.
Interactive designer talent training
Pursuit of interactivity in the curriculum
Interactive designer cultivation through interactive courses means mutual communication between professors and students through various online and offline systems microscopically. In a macroscopic sense, it means cultivating 'global talents' who can exchange with the world by learning and understanding the latest global trends through a curriculum that can communicate with the world.
Thus, we first provide the interactivity in class operation and curriculum with various communication methods between professors and students through offline seminars, online seminars, special lectures and practice, and club support.
Initiative designer talent training
Pursuit of originality in the curriculum
Taking advantage of the characteristics of the master's design curriculum, we design the curriculum based on original contents and practical examples rather than the undergraduate program so that students can learn competitively and creatively. In addition, we train creative initiative designers with planning and strategic thinking through an initiative course that enhances practical and strategic thinking.
Korea's first/only online graduate school of design
In-depth practical training courses to improve integrated design thinking
Design Research Methods, Designsemiotics, Design Strategy Focus on Culture, Design Concept & Strategy, Strategy of Design Presentation, Human Centered Design Strategy, The Theory of design, Design strategy or urban/public policy, Planning Theory of Media Design, Spatial Design Planning Theory, Design Production and Distribution, Thesis research, Design Seminar
Operation of various flexible academic courses such as thesis course and credit replacement course
In the case of credit replacement courses, convergence results are derived by completing the convergence seminar course
Operation of detailed convergence seminar courses
Operation of various blended education courses
Online education, online video education, offline education, 1:1 thesis guidance, major seminar, operation of graduate school education clubs (booking), guidance and publication of journal articles on research results in class
Intensive thesis guidance course through 7 major tracks
Major tracks: Visual design, New media design, Space design, Industrial design, Public design, Design planning, Design convergence
Major offline seminars twice a year
Various educational seminars such as seminars and field surveys for all majors of the Graduate School of Design
Attendance at major courses in the Department of Design
Opportunities to audit all courses in five majors including Visual Design, Space Design, Industrial Design, New Media Design, and Design Planning Major in undergraduate studies
Spatial Design (Spatial Directing) Fashion
VMD division of franchise company
Furniture Design
Lighting design company
Cosmetics companies
PR Strategy Division
Party directing company, etc.
Visual design
Graphic design company
Advertising design company
CI/BI specialized company,
Corporate PR Office Planning Office
Gun Advertising Agency
Publishing editorial design company
Illustration specialized company
New Media Design
Image design company
Game design company
CF video production company and studio
Commercial video broadcasting title Production company
Animation production company
Advertising agency, advertising design
Specialized company
Industrial design
Product design company
Product development section of each company
Furniture design
Public environment facility design Specialized company
Product planning department of each company
Digital technology-based venture company
Design planning
Specialized design company and design consulting company, Design startup, etc.
Design convergence
Professional manager
Public servant
Culture and Arts Organization/Administrator
Content and new media planner
Social enterprise, etc.
Public Design
Public Design Specializing Company
Landscape Design Specializing Company
Environmental Design Specializing Company
Engineering Company
Landscape office
Construction-Related Company
The Government and Public Institutions
Kim Seul
A Study on Elementary School Communication-centered Space Design for Creativity Development
- Focusing on Homaesil Elementary School -
(Graduate in August 2014)
Han Sang-hee
UX Evaluation and Analysis of Smart Banking Service according to Authentication Method
- Focusing on the transfer process applying the fingerprint recognition method -
(Graduate in August 2014)
Oh Seong-hee
A Study on the Visual Expression Strategy of Local Agricultural Products Joint Brands According to Changes in Distribution Environment
- Focusing on the naming of Jeju carrot joint brand -
(Graduate in August 2014)
Kim Eun-kyung
A Study on Identity Design Expression Strategy in New Media Era
(Graduate in August 2014)
Son Young-min
A Study on the Derivation of UX Evaluation Elements and Case Application of Mobile Applications for Early Childhood Education
(Graduate in August 2014)
Kim Jin-hee
A Study on the Direction of Universal Design of Subway Vehicles for Consideration of the Mobility Handicapped
(Graduate in August 2014)
Koh Ae-kyung
A Study on Improvement of Traditional Tea Culture Experience Activities from a Service Design Perspective
(Graduate in August 2014)
Noh Eun-kyung
Mobile Shopping Mall ux Design Strategy by Characteristics of Consumer Information Search
- Based on the navigation of the cosmetics shopping mall -
(Graduate in August 2014)
Kwon Eun-kyung
A Study on Paratext Type according to User Consumption Factors in Digital Publishing Structure
(Graduate in February 2015)
Seo Dong-min
A Study on Furniture Design through Reinterpretation of Hayao Miyazaki’s Animations
(Graduate in February 2015)
Jeong Yeon-bok
A Study on the Design Philosophy from the Perspective of Chiyangji
(Graduate in August 2015)
Park Ji-eun
A Study on the Framework of the Modern Formative Expression of Wooden Doors Reflecting the Characteristics of Design History
- Focusing on the indoor wooden door of the residential space -
(Graduate in August 2015)
Lim Seong-woo
Research Trends in Korean Design Papers
- Focusing on the analysis of the main words of theses in the Journal of the Design Society -
(Graduate in February 2016)
Kwon So-young
A Study on the Apartment Remodeling in Bundang 1st New Town by Adler Psychology
(Graduate in February 2016)
Kim Bo-young
A Study on the Design of Guidance Signs According to the Type of Regional Shopping Center (RSC)
- Focusing on the RSC of Fukuoka City, Japan -
(Graduate in February 2016)
Go Yun-geun
A Study on the Design Direction of Interior Space in Executive Accommodation
- Focusing on unmarried executive lodgings in the army -
(Graduate in February 2016)
Shin Mi-kyung
A Study on the Influence of Changes in Infographic on Users’ Awareness of Information
- Focused on body composition analysis table -
(Graduate in August 2016)
Ju Min-seon
Analysis Research of DMZ's Place and Value
(Graduate in August 2016)
Oh Hyun-jung
A Study on UI·UX Design Change According to Trend Change
- Focusing on domestic shopping malls -
(Graduate in February 2017)
Seong Eon-je
A Study on the Improvement Plan for GUI of Equipment Maintenance Information System
- Focusing on the functions used by army organization/unit logistical staff -
(Graduate in August 2017)
Won Tae-soo
A Study on the Direction of Communication Improvement of Seoul Subway Guide Signs through User Shadowing
- Focusing on the information sign at Suseo Station -
(Graduate in August 2017)
Kim Jeong-eun
Analysis of Domestic IKEA Store Design Strategy based on Experiential Marketing
(Graduate in August 2017)
Song Jung-min
Analysis Study of Theme Park Hotel Design Elements based on Experiential Marketing
- Focusing on Disneyland and Disney World -
(Graduate in August 2017)
Min Deok-gi
Analysis and Proposal of Service Design-based Electric Vehicle Sharing Service
- Focusing on Seoul Digital Industrial Complex -
(Graduate in August 2017)
Lee Heon-woo
A Study on the Direction of UI Design according to the Development of Smart Watch Technology
(Graduate in February 2018)
Kang Mi-kyung
Comparative Analysis of Mobile Shopping Mall App Accessibility
(Graduate in August 2018)
Choi Jin-guk
A Study on Product Design Development for Oral Cavity for Remote Oral Examination
(Graduate in August 2018)
Lee Chan-seo
Case Study of Samtaegi Health Village Project
(Graduate in August 2018)
Cho Si-kyung
A Study on the Evaluation Method of Narrative-Based Design of Space
(Graduate in August 2018)
Park Seon-wook
A Study on the Expressive Characteristics of Genderless Style shown in Modern Fashion
- Focusing on Perth's semiotics -
(Graduate in February 2019)
Byeon Jong-beom
골프화 유형별 분류에 관한 연구
- Focusing on design -
(Graduate in February 2019)
Lee Yun-seo
A Study on Art Collaboration Flower Product Design
- Focusing on Claude Monet's Colors -
(Graduate in August 2019)
Choi Elisha
Proposal of Methodology for Deriving Design Ideas
- Focusing on the Lenormond Card Reading Method -
(Graduate in August 2019)
Bok Young-don
A Study on the Characteristics of Small House Space Composition
(Graduate in August 2019)
Lee In-seok
Changes in Stage Technology and Design for TV Music Broadcasting in Korea (academic journal)
(Graduate in February 2020)
Major in Design Planning
Major in Design Planning
Major in Design Planning
Major in Design Convergence
Major in Design Convergence