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About HYCU

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Founding & Educational Spirit

Founding Philosophy

Our goal is to educate people to understand love and put it to practice, promote the development of human beings who can be diligent, honest, humble, and serve, and to give growth to a noble academic spirit for the purpose of cultivating great practitioners of love who contribute not only to themselves but also to their country, their people, and further, to humanity.

Educational Philosophy

Our educational ideology is "the practice of love", which is the founding spirit of Hanyang Academy, aiming to cultivate people of talent who hold the virtues of diligence, honesty, humility, and service.

Based on Hanyang Academy's educational ideology of "the practice of love," Hanyang Cyber University's graduate school aims to cultivate "convergent people of talent who put ideas into practice" who will contribute to each field of society by teaching and researching profound theories of academics necessary for the development of nations and human society, along with their application methods.

Educational Purpose

Training creative professionals through open higher education

Our general graduate school aims to teach profound theories of learning along with their application based on the purpose of university education in Korea and the practice of love, which is the educational ideology of this school, and it aims to cultivate creative professionals who realize their individual selves through open higher education and who can contribute to the prosperity of communities, countries, and further, human society.

Educational Objective

  • academic excellence

    Pursuing academic excellence through the exploration and research of academic theories

  • creative professionals

    Cultivating creative professionals with profound theories and skills in their major fields

  • practicing intellectuals

    Cultivating practicing intellectuals who can apply knowledge of various disciplines to society

  • open-minded cosmopolitans

    Cultivating open-minded cosmopolitans who can understand cultural diversity and playanactiveroleintheinternationalcommunity

  • dedicated volunteers

    Cultivating dedicated volunteers who work for the prosperity of communities, countries, and even human society

Conceptual Diagram of Competency Education: Educational Philosophy & Objective


‘HYCU Vision 2030’ was established as the mid- to long-term development plan for our graduate school, consistent with the university's development plan HYCU Next VISION 2030+, which is the basis of Hanyang Cyber University's graduate school, and embodying the determination and design to grow into a high-level professional online higher education institution as a general graduate school.

Hanyang Cyber University Graduate School will establish student value-oriented service innovation, educational innovation for capacity building, innovation for user-oriented education platforms, and management innovation for sustainable development as its strategic goals and set up 14 detailed strategic tasks that contain keywords such as "competency education," "research," "industrial cooperation," "global" and "performance management" to cultivate creative professionals who will lead the future of our society.

Vision and Strategy


Cultivating creative professionals who have practical knowledge combined with a wisdom of coexistence


A graduate school that works together to create a joyous future


Globally No.1 in online education

  • student value-oriented
    service innovation
  • educational innovation for
    capacity building
  • innovation for
    user-oriented education
  • management innovation for
    sustainable development
  • 1.
    Establishment of a customized support system for graduate students
    • Establishment of HYCU-CDP (Career Development) for graduate students
    • Non-subject education support for capacity building
    • Establishment of a customized employment and start-up support system for graduate students
    Establishment of a communication system for graduate students
    • Establishment of a system for collecting opinions and feedback from graduate students
    Welfare support for graduate students
    • Facility support for graduate student education and research
    • Expansion of the scholarship system for graduate students
  • 4.
    Innovation in the graduate school curriculum
    • Establishment of a customized competency-based education system
    • Establishment of a flexible academic system for the strengthened capacity of graduate students
    Development of a graduate school education model
    • Development of a leading online education model for graduate schools
    A strengthened support system for graduate school research performance
    • Operation of a support system for graduate student research activities
    • Operation of a research support system for new teachers/succeeding academic generation
    Strengthened internationalization capabilities of graduate students
    • Operation of international exchange programs for graduate students
    • Support for attracting outstanding overseas talent
  • 8.
    Advanced academic management system focused on graduate students
    • Advanced academic management system customized for graduate students
    Infrastructure innovation to improve education and research commitment
    • Establishment of a DB for graduate student research activities
    • Expansion of software and hardware assets for educational and research purposes
    Establishment of a platform for internationalization
    • Establishment of an international assignment infrastructure (Webpage)
    • Establishment of a global education platform
  • 11.
    Advanced graduate school academic structure that reflects social demand
    • Operation of graduate school programs reflecting the demands of society, politics, and industries, etc
    Strengthened administrative support for graduate governance
    • Operation of a support organization dedicated to graduate students
    Establishment of a support system to revitalize industry-academic cooperation
    • Strengthened industry-academic cooperation agreements
    • Strengthened education in connection with industries
    Establishment of a graduate performance management system
    • Establishment and operation of a graduate school performance management system