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Specialized Graduate School

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Mechanical & IT Convergence Engineering

Training Professional Engineers with Convergence Education in the Era of Industry 4.0

The program provides education designed to produce three types of talented engineers through the establishment of educational goals reflecting the fields of mechanical IT convergence engineering and urban architectural engineering. The curriculum places particular emphasis on specialized subjects such as Machine/IT Convergence Technology, Eco-friendly Automobiles, and Autonomous Driving.

Mechanical & IT Convergence Engineering

Purpose of Establishment

To train Professional Engineers capable of
in the Industry 4.0 Era

ICT technology is being increasingly combined with business in the era of Industry 4.0, and consequently, processes are becoming more interconnected, complicated, and are rapidly changing. Therefore, business processes are transforming requiring new business models and new technologies. The Department of Mechanical & IT Convergence Engineering was established to train professional convergence engineers who can lead the Industry 4.0 era by meeting the demand for specially trained and knowledgeable students in industries including automobiles, machinery, and IT.

Educational Objective

Major Features

The major in Mechanical & IT Convergence Engineering consists of Convergence Context Courses, IC-PBL-based Courses, and Machine/IT Convergence related Technology Courses developed to provide students with a more profound understanding machine/IT convergence technology which is at the core of future mechanical IT convergence engineering technology in the era of Industry 4.0.

Major Outlook and Careers

Major related Certificates

Construction Machine Equipment Engineer, Construction Machine Account Engineer, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Machine Engineer, Green Electric Vehicle Engineer, Metal Material Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer, Agricultural Machinery Engineer, Mechatronics Engineer, Injection Mold Design Engineer, Industrial Safety Engineer, Equipment Maintenance Engineer, Elevator Industry Engineer, Energy Management Engineer, Welding Engineer, General machine Engineer, Automobile maintenance engineer, railroad vehicle Engineer, Packaging Engineer, Press Mold Design Engineer, Engineer Motor Vehicles Maintenance, Green Electric Vehicle Engineer, Engineer Machinery Design, Engineer Computer Aided Manufacturing, Engineer Information Processing, Engineer General Machinery, Engineer Air-Conditioning Refrigerating Machinery, Engineer Industrial Safety, Engineer Construction Equipment Maintenance, Engineer Mechatronics, Embedded Engineer, CATIA International Design Certification, CSWA International Certification Exam, and others
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  • Office Tel. +82-2-2290-0731