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Specialized Graduate School

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Educating future leaders of the domestic food service industry through internationalization

The department trains students to hone their research skills and provides opportunities to demonstrate their competencies in an effort to further globalize Korean food and domestic franchise brands.

Hospitality MBA
Hospitality MBA
Hospitality MBA

Purpose of Establishment

As the market size of about 120 trillion won shows, the domestic restaurant market has achieved sufficient growth. Various efforts for the globalization of Korean food are bearing fruit and the internationalization of the domestic food service industry is showing meaningful progress as well in which substantial investments are being made for more qualitative growth. Following Korea’s successful industries such as semiconductors, smartphones, automobiles, and shipbuilding, the food service industry is projected to also be a potentially lucrative sector. In particular, the franchise system will serve as an essential medium to drive the growth of the restaurant industry. Since it is necessary to cultivate creative talent for the development of this industry, the Catering Franchise or “Hospitality”? MBA major is devoted to training creative professionals who are knowledgeable about relevant theories and equipped with the skills necessary to lead future globalization efforts of domestic catering and franchise industries.

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Educational Objective

Mission / Vision
Future Specialists and Leaders of the Food Service and Franchise Industries

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  • Competitive Global Citizens

    Cultivating students with research and planning skills to lead future globalization efforts for Korean food and domestic franchise brands

  • Pragmatic Leaders

    Providing students with the knowledge and skills needed start and/or manage a restaurant business, establish and maintain a franchise system, etc.

  • Educated Humanitarians

    Encouraging volunteering and community activism to promote a spirit of humanitarianism among students to increase social contributions by these future experts and professionals.

  • Active Networking

    Engaging in various field trips, festivals, and seminars to develop students’ professional networking and communication skills in a cooperative learning environment.

Support Benefits and Educational Features

The Catering Franchise or “Hospitality"? MBA major at Hanyang Cyber University’s Business School provides various benefits to enhance understanding of the field through a number of offline seminars. The department seeks to boost students’ knowledge and provide network opportunities by holding various field trips, academic-related events, seminars, etc. in a competitive educational environment. In this manner, students can develop their skills as future restaurant and franchise experts by learning to cooperative and collaborate with their peers. This allows them to establish personal links through exchanges and achieve growth in their major field.
With high-quality educational content, the Catering Franchise or “Hospitality”? MBA produces professionals in a friendly atmosphere where alumni participate in events to give guidance to students every year. There is also student support for those who would like to advance to doctoral programs at major domestic or overseas universities in the fomr of special lectures an prepatory classes.
Concept of Talent for the Major
  • Global talent to lead the globalization of Korean food
  • Practical talent who put into practice the skills they acquire
  • Humanitarian talent who engage local communities
  • Resourceful talent with effective research skills
  • Convergence talent who are adaptable and efficient
  • Participatory talent who actively collaborate in the field
  • Ethical talent who follow and promote accepted codes of conduct
  • Global talent who keep abreast of international trends

Outlook of the Major

  • The food service and franchise industry focuses on quantitative growth and thus there is increasing demand for MBA graduates who possess the expertise to promote qualitative development.
  • In addition to industry-related companies and local or regional governments, other public institutions also have been seeking to employ more professionals particularly in the field of food service industry and franchise market for the purpose of revitalization of certain sectors.
  • When launching startups for personal business, having an MBA background is essential to competitiveness and sustainable growth.

Careers after Graduation

  • Hospitality MBA

    After acquiring the MBA, prospects for future experts can be found in the following areas:

    • Major domestic catering companies and service companies
    • Franchise companies in various hospitality and food service industries
    • Startup and management of food service companies and franchises

    MBA graduates can seek other opportunities including:

    • Admission to doctoral programs at major domestic or overseas universities
    • Professional instructors at educational institutions such as universities
    • Researchers at institutes related to food service and franchise business
Hanyang Cyber ​​University building image


  • Online Education Program
    for creative talents

    Premium Educational Contents
    Informative educational content in a university ranked first for the total number of cyber graduate students
    An abundance of video lectures and conferences between professors and students
    Subdivided Major Courses
    Classified into required, basic, and advanced according to level of difficulty and importance
    Operation of systematic and subdivided major curriculums
    Training Talented Professionals for Food Industry Franchises
    Convenient and accessible educational environment online
    Cultivating experts through cooperative learning
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Student Needs
    Average of 25 students per course
    1:1 class system with interaction and personalization
    High-quality Academic Information Service
    Service for searching among a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books
    Kyobo, YES24 e-books and other domestic e-books available
  • Professional Network through
    OFFLINE Support System

    Maximum Scholarship Benefits
    Support for student welfare through the development and implementation of the scholarship system
    Financial aid for admission fees and tuition through the admission scholarship system
    Networking Opportunities with Peers and Alumni
    Interaction with faculty, staff and professionals in the field
    Providing opportunities for information sharing through exchanges with 1,675 graduates
    Graduate School Advisor System
    Support for thesis writing through guidance from academic advisors
    Special lectures and discussions through offline seminars
    Support for Student Welfare Services
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Students benefit from educational infrastructure through an agreement with Hanyang University
    Support for Employment/Startups and Doctoral Program
    Providing startup education and training programs through the promotion of startup support groups
    Support for advancement to a doctoral program through special lectures by experts in the field