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Graduate School of Business Administration

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Information Technology MBA

With expertise in management and information technology, global experts are cultivated to be leaders of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The department seeks to produce human resources who can actively contribute to the information technology industrial using knowledge gained form convergence-based hybrid, practical training courses that focus on problem solving

경영대학원 ITMBA 전공 이미지

Purpose of Establishment

The Information Technology (IT) MBA major was established for the purpose of cultivating global experts in the IT field based on a broad understanding of management and information technology and domain expertise. Utilitzing organizational management and technology strategies, the department explores new business opportunities and use IT to lead the way in solving national and social problems in order to contribute toward strengthening individual and corporate competitiveness to ultimately realize a safe and happy society.

IT MBA of Hanyang Cyber University’s
Graduate School trains interdisciplinary professionals
to be experts of technology and management.

Educational Objective

  • Training technology management experts who can strategically plan, develop, and manage IT technology
  • Training management information experts who can lead corporate management innovation and promote core competencies
  • Training IT policy experts who can pursue the revitalization of industrial ecosystems and create balanced development

Careers after Graduation

Korea's First and Largest Cyber Graduate School IT MBA Major

  • Online courses that combine work and study
  • Support for admission to a doctoral program
  • Use of educational infrastructure and research facilities at Hanyang University

Operation of Hybrid-type Curriculum Based on Convergence

  • Interdisciplinary curriculum focusing on technology management and IT track based on general MBA
  • Practical curriculum focused on problem-solving, such as PBL (Problem Based Learning) and case studies
  • Operation of blended curriculum in connection with on/offline lectures

Support for Certificate Acquisition

  • Support for information exchange and acquisition of nationally recognized certificates through club activities
    ▶ PEAK: A club established with the aim of members acquiring the Information Processing Engineer Qualification

Support Benefits and Educational Features

The Hanyang Cyber University Graduate School of Business IT MBA major supports club activities for students who wish to obtain certification. This allows students to reinforce their expertise by participating in information exchanges and discussion on how to obtain national certificates.
There is PEAK, a club established with the aim of members acquiring qualification as an information processing engineer, and IMPARK, a learning club for students to study together. Through these types of activities, the department seeks to cultivate students into experts who can be leaders in the 4th Industrial Revolution era through technology skills, management ability, and market insight.
The IT MBA programs was designed to train managers through a network of active alumni who are experts in their fields. With support and guidance from professors, students can learn in-depth theories on management and IT. Students also learn crucial concepts and skills needed in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution in which intelligence and connection are emphasized and can be realized by utilizing various related academic infrastructures. The program operates within a high-tech educational infrastructure designed to prepare students to learn conveniently. There are also opportunities to build strong networks through on/offline exchanges to gain insight and experience on professional-level technical and management skills.
Concept of Talent for the Major
  • Practical experts to lead future education
  • Convergence talent with multidisciplinary thinking skills
  • Future-oriented talent who plan ahead
  • Resourceful talent with research skills
  • Humanitarian talent who engage socially beneficial activities
  • Active talent who eagerly collaborate in their field
  • Ethical talent who abide by accepted codes of conduct
  • Global talent who understand international trends

Major-related careers

Hanyang Cyber ​​University Pine Tree Image


  • Online Education Program
    for Creative Talent

    Premium Educational Contents
    Reliable educational content in a university ranked first for the total number of cyber graduate students
    Various seminar classes consisting of professors and students
    Subdivided Major Courses
    Technology and management integrated education including the areas of general management, MOT, IT, MIS, etc.
    Operation of hybrid-type curriculum based on convergence
    Training Practical Management Experts
    Establishment of action plan for blended learning system
    Operation of practice and research-oriented curriculum
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Student Needs
    Average of 25 students per course
    1:1 class system for student and professor interaction
    High-quality Academic Information Service
    Service for searching among a total of 260,000 Eastern and Western E-books
    Kyobo, YES24 e-books and other domestic e-books available
  • Professional Networking through
    OFFLINE Support System

    Maximum Scholarship Benefits
    Support for student welfare through the development and implementation of the scholarship system
    Support for admission fees and tuition through the admission scholarship system
    Peer and Alumni Networking
    Opportunities to interact with faculty and related professional staff
    Providing a place for information sharing through exchanges with 1,675 graduates
    Graduate School Advisor System
    Support and guidance for thesis writing
    Special lectures and discussions through offline seminars
    Support for Student Welfare Services
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Students benefit from the educational infrastructure through an agreement with Hanyang University
    Support for Employment/Startups and Doctoral Program
    Providing startup education and training programs through the promotion of startup support groups
  • Tel
  • Office Tel. +82-2-2290-0721